Hello all, *POSSIBLE REFERRALS FOR SUPPORTING CHILDREN AND FAMILIES - see below* Interesting discussions yesterday at the Frontline Exchange London regarding the Cost of Living and Poverty. I am interested in linking children and families with their local communities and giving them the best opportunities that we can. I appreciate that it takes a village to raise a child, so thinking about organisations families I have worked with. I wanted to share some resources to the benefit of families you may be working with to. Percy Bilton is a wonderful charity. https://www.percy-bilton-charity.org/ As Social Workers, we can make applications on behalf of families for: Washing machines (via our supplier) Electric cookers (via our supplier) Fridges/Freezers (via our supplier) Beds and bedding (via our supplier) Vacuum cleaners and portable heaters (via our supplier) Carpets/Flooring where there is a health & safety issue (up to £250) Essential clothing and footwear (via a pre-paid Gift Card) 2 families (in different Local Authorities) that I have worked with have benefitted receiving white goods. I've had a look into it and it doesn't look like it's London-specific. Hope that families you are working with are able to access whatever they need to make things a little easier. The second is Turn2Us. https://www.turn2us.org.uk/?_gl=1*1giqyad*_ga*MTgwNjk3Mjc0Ny4xNjg2OTExNTQ5*_ga_E1WBSX9YR8*MTY4NjkxMTU0OS4xLjEuMTY4NjkxMTU2Ni4wLjAuMA.. Have a look at the "Grant Search" - localised support based on individual needs. (I think this is how I found Percy Bilton) Finally Glasspool. https://www.glasspool.org.uk/ Not one I have personally referred to but aware of this. Have a read of t&cs but hopefully sharing these can help to reach as many families in need as we can. Take care Leah

Posted by Leah Powell at 2023-06-16 10:38:41 UTC