*RESEARCH PROJECT CONNECTED TO SYSTEMIC SOCIAL WORK* Hi everyone, I am a final year student at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King’s College London completing the Family Therapy MSc. I am also a fellow, having trained as social worker with Frontline in 2018. I am seeking participants for my research project. The title is: 'the impact of systemic training on male social workers’ practice when working with men who use violence in intimate relationships'. -Through my experience as a social worker with children and families I have had reason to work with a lot of family violence. I feel that systemic interventions can be hugely impactful in these case, however, this remains quite an under-researched area. -I am seeking to speak to male social workers who have experience working with men who use violence in intimate relationships (in any context) and who have completed systemic training up to at least 'intermediate level'. -The participant commitment is just a single 60-90 minute video interview which will be arranged at the participants' convenience. Ethical clearance has been granted to this project by the Kings College London Research Ethics Office. If you are interested in participating, or have any questions, please do email me at joseph.grabiner@kcl.ac.uk. A further information sheet and consent form will be provided. Many thanks, Joe

Posted by joegrabinerwolfson at 2023-06-02 09:50:06 UTC