Some of you may have already heard the disappointing news about the Pathways programme. Last month we heard from the Department for Education (DfE) that they will not be extending the contract for the Pathways programme, and so it will be coming to an end on 31 July. Everyone who is currently on one of the pathways will complete their programme, as will anyone due to start on Pathway 1 Cohort 6 in May. However, unfortunately, this means that there will be no places offered on any of the pathways going forward from August. We know that some of you have already benefited from the Pathways programme, and that many will have been hoping to have the opportunity to secure a place on one of the pathways in the future. We are sorry for the disappointment that you may feel on hearing this news. The Fellowship remains committed to supporting your practice development and career progression, and this decision does not impact the delivery of the Step Forward or Innovation programmes which are funded separately from the DfE. These programmes will continue to be available to fellows, as will a number of practice development offers. We will keep you updated about these offers via the Fellowship platform and the fortnightly newsletters. Going forward, Frontline remains committed to the leadership development of social work leaders, and we hope to be able to provide another effective and successful programme in this space in future. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Fellowship team on if you have any questions. Best wishes, Lisa (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Director) and the Frontline Fellowship Team

Posted by Fellowship team at 2024-05-02 10:57:05 UTC